World Economic Forum in Davos: A lot of room for China’s economy to grow

A lot of room for China's economy to grow [CGTN]
A lot of room for China’s economy to grow [CGTN]
CGTN | 19-Jan-2024

Professor Jin Keyu at the London School of Economics in the World Economic Forum in Davos, shares her views on China’s economic growth. She thinks it’s not a bad thing if the Chinese economy slows, as it can still contribute to the world given China’s size today. In comparison to developed countries, statistics show there is still a lot of room for China’s economy, Professor Jin reckons. Check out the video and subscribe to the channel for more China’s stories! Continue reading “World Economic Forum in Davos: A lot of room for China’s economy to grow”

Semi-autonomous restaurants quickly spread across China

Semi-autonomous restaurants quickly spread across China [CGTN]
Semi-autonomous restaurants quickly spread across China [CGTN]
CGTN | 19-Jan-2024

Over the past few years, semi-autonomous restaurants have grown in popularity in some parts of the world. In China, a domestic company has spent decades developing the equipment and technology to power the future of food. And it’s now built hundreds of mostly unmanned noodle restaurants across the country. Check out the video and subscribe to the channel for more China’s stories! Continue reading “Semi-autonomous restaurants quickly spread across China”