In ancient folklore, Jingpo women are the descendants of female dragons. They are brave, free-spirited, kind and hard-working. Women in ethinic Jingpo minority group sew silver spheres on their clothes to represent dragon scales and dance by swinging and shaking the spheres and pendants on their clothes, creating dazzling scenes and a melodious sound.
About the “Go! Yunnan” series:
Yunnan Province in southwest China boasts spectacular natural landscapes, biodiversity and diverse ethnic groups. Among China’s 56 recognized ethnic groups, 25 are in Yunnan. This livestream series will take you on tour to six cities or autonomous prefectures in Yunnan to see the little-known food, scenery and folk customs. Stay tuned for our upcoming livestreams!
More fascinating tales from China:
Pristine Yunnan: Celebrating Munao Zongge Festival with the Jingpo people
Go! Yunnan: Tea picking in Pu’er City’s Jingmai Mountain