Editor’s note: If the West isn’t pulling any punches in attacking China, why should China pulls any in defending itself? In this four-episode series, CGTN Insight will walk you through the web of lies, disinformation and distortions spewed by Western media and politicians, and show you the truth – both of their motivation and of the reality in China. In the first episode, we will look behind the argument that China seeks to dominate the world.
Bill Evanina, the former director of the U.S. National Counterintelligence and Security Center, once said in an interview that “When you look at China and what their strategic plan is, and Xi Jinping’s plan, it’s to be the global superpower geopolitically, militarily and from an economic perspective.” Fox News Host Tucker Carlson believes that “in very real ways, the Chinese government controls us.” As you can see, some people see China as trying to “dominate” the world. Technological progress, economic success and political confidence are all cited as “supporting evidence.” A White Paper released by the State Council Information Office in 2019 states: “China will never seek hegemony, expansion or spheres of influence.” And China has been living by this pledge, as the real evidence shows. Rather than put billions of dollars into fighting wars and destroying countries, China has built a world-class infrastructure. It doesn’t beat other countries into submission, but does help tackle global issues together. It’s self-developed COVID-19 vaccines are being used by countries across the world.
Today’s China is powerful. According to financial market data giant Refinitiv, China’s Belt and Road Initiative is estimated to have a collective value of $2.41 trillion. China was able to gain economic momentum even as others suffered from lockdowns. It has just signed the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, putting 30 percent of global GDP under one free-trade deal. China and the European Union completed the negotiation of a comprehensive bilateral investment agreement, and is now actively considering joining the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership.
And as a responsible stakeholder in the international community, China continues to support the resumption of the World Trade Organization (WTO)’s Appellate Body’s normal operation. The U.S. blocked the appointment of any appeal judges, rendering the body paralyzed for the first time in 25 years. The U.S. told everyone to follow WTO rulings. But when the WTO ruled its tariffs on China were illegal, the U.S. flat out refused to comply. Paul Craig Roberts, former U.S. assistant secretary of the Treasury for economic policy under President Ronald Reagan, said in an interview with CGTN that “This is the way Washington tries to restrain China’s growing economic prominence by hamstringing some of its leading companies. It shows the American determination for hegemony, that hegemonic uni-power deserves, because it’s unique and indispensable to impose its will on the world.” All countries want to be powerful. The U.S. wants it, China does too. But only one of them seeks domination. The West, in particular the U.S., sees a challenger in China to their control over the discourse because all they’ve known is power and control. To them, cooperation and respect matter only when they are in control. But honestly, what more could anyone expect from people who believe they are destined to rule over others?
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