Welcome to Rita’s Bar, a new experiment in Guangzhou, China

Welcome to Rita's Bar, a new experiment in Guangzhou [CGTN]
Welcome to Rita’s Bar, a new experiment in Guangzhou [CGTN]
CGTN | 11-May-2023

Rita is a fictional character from a classic opera, first composed over a century ago. In south China’s Guangzhou, a mysterious new bar is attracting locals, and it promises to raise Rita’s spirit from the dead. Check out the video and please subscribe to the channel for more amazing China’s stories! Continue reading “Welcome to Rita’s Bar, a new experiment in Guangzhou, China”

Cultural exchanges boom as international street dancers groove back to China

Cultural exchanges boom as international street dancers groove back to China [CGTN]
Cultural exchanges boom as international street dancers groove back to China [CGTN]
CGTN | 10-May-2023

After a three-year hiatus, dancers from France, the U.S., Republic of Korea, Japan, and China grooved their way back to east China’s Hangzhou, seeing a boom in street dance cultural exchanges among enthusiasts. They reunited for the “Crazy Dancing Competition” that coincided with International Dance Day, which is celebrated on April 29. The dancers squared off in intense battles, while bringing with them the core principles of street dance culture, peace, love, unity and having fun. Check out the video and please subscribe to the channel for new amazing China’s stories! Continue reading “Cultural exchanges boom as international street dancers groove back to China”