Taco Bell in Beijing on the first mask-free day in Beijing

Taco Bell in Beijing (CGTN)
Taco Bell in Beijing (CGTN)

CGTN | 22-Aug-2020

The first Taco Bell in Beijing, China opened its doors Friday. The popular Mexican fast-food chain welcomed curious patrons with a hip motif on the first mask-free day in Beijing, as the city reported no new COVID-19 case for two weeks.

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China’s Perfect World Group wants to bring happiness to business email suite

China’s Perfect World Group wants to bring happiness to business email suite [CGTN]
China’s Perfect World Group wants to bring happiness to business email suite [CGTN]
CGTN | 21-Aug-2020 | By Gong Zhe

Perfect World Investment & Holding Group, one of the largest entertainment companies in China, is now trying to build a business email suite. Continue reading “China’s Perfect World Group wants to bring happiness to business email suite”