Former U.S. president says U.S.-China engagement brings prosperity

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter after giving a lecture on the eradication of the Guinea worm, at the House of Lords in London, Britain, 2016 (CGTN-Reuters)
Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter after giving a lecture on the eradication of the Guinea worm, at the House of Lords in London, Britain, 2016 (CGTN-Reuters)

CGTN | 08-Aug-2020 | By Shen Shiwei

“This engagement has enabled us, as well as the Asia-Pacific region and the world, to enjoy unparalleled peace and prosperity,” former U.S. President Jimmy Carter emphasized the importance of China-U.S. engagement in his letter to an online webinar organized by the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) and the Carter Center on Thursday. Continue reading “Former U.S. president says U.S.-China engagement brings prosperity”

China International Fair for Trade Services scheduled to be held in Beijing next month

A visitor appreciates gourds decorated with cloisonné, an ancient technique in China, during the 2019 China International Fair for Trade in Services (Wang Zhen-People's Daily)
A visitor appreciates gourds decorated with cloisonné, an ancient technique in China, during the 2019 China International Fair for Trade in Services (Wang Zhen-People’s Daily)

People’s Daily | 08-Aug-2020 | By Zhu Jingruo, He Yong

The 2020 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS) will kick off in September at the China National Convention Center in Beijing. Continue reading “China International Fair for Trade Services scheduled to be held in Beijing next month”