China and France commit to let Huawei invest in French 5G networks

Chinese tech company Huawei will not be blocked from French investment (Fred Dufour-AFP)
Chinese tech Huawei will not be blocked from French investment (Fred Dufour-AFP)

CGTN | 21-Jul-2020 | Ross Cullen in Paris

China and France have committed to allow Huawei to invest in French 5G networks. Continue reading “China and France commit to let Huawei invest in French 5G networks”

Lancet: Two COVID-19 vaccines produce immune response in human trial

Lancet: Two COVID-19 vaccines produce immune response in human trial (CGTN-VCG)
Lancet: Two COVID-19 vaccines produce immune response in human trial (CGTN-VCG)

CGTN | 20-Jul-2020

Two COVID-19 vaccine candidates, one from China and the other from the UK, have proven safe for humans and produced strong immune reactions among patients involved in two separate clinical trials, the Lancet medical journal announced on Monday. Continue reading “Lancet: Two COVID-19 vaccines produce immune response in human trial”