Chinese cities turn to innovation as engine for development – Guangzhou still lag

CGTN | 27-May-2020 | Innovative Centers | Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou

Despite Beijing, Shenzhen innovations successes, some other cities in China still lag. Guangzhou is one of them. In recent years, it has devoted no more than 3 percent of its GDP to R&D, almost half of the investment made by innovative centers like Beijing and Shenzhen. Guangzhou only saw 10,000 invention-creation patents granted in 2018. This puts this first-tier city in the same league as second-tier centers. Continue reading “Chinese cities turn to innovation as engine for development – Guangzhou still lag”

Chinese cities turn to innovation as engine for development – High-Tech

CGTN | 27-May-2020 | Chinese High Tech GDP Contribution

High-tech contributed to 23 percent of the city’s GDP in 2018. In the past year, more than 200,000 patent applications were submitted, a 7.1-percent increase from 2018. But patent applications and GDP only tell one part of the story. Just like Beijing is using its vast academic resources as the foundation for innovation, other cities are leveraging their existing advantages. Continue reading “Chinese cities turn to innovation as engine for development – High-Tech”